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  • Find Time For Home Biz Success by Taming the Great Life Stealers

    Author: Doug West
    We often hear from ones who say that they just don't have
    enough time to devote to their home business. They work full
    time, raise kids, take care of aging parents, or for other
    reasons are just too busy to devote much time to a biz.
    Still, they would like a home business if they could only
    find the time. In this article we want to review some common
    areas where most folks tend to waste time, and how you can
    tame these life stealers.

    # 1 TV Viewing

    This ranks as the greatest time stealer of all! "Wait a
    minute" you might say, "don't tell me to give up my favorite
    TV programs!" No, we are not going to tell you to quit
    watching TV altogether. However, with just a little effort
    you can save TONS of time that could otherwise be spent on
    your home biz. Consider some ideas:

    * Record Your Favorite Programs and Fast-Forward Through

    This could trim off a third or more of the time
    it takes to watch them.

    * Control the TV - Don't let it Control You.

    Instead of vegetating in front of the TV for hours, watching
    everything that comes on, try picking only the programs you
    really want to see and setting the recorder. Sometimes it
    may be good to just chill out in your easy chair and turn on
    the tube, but once you get into the habit of recording
    shows, you may find more recordings to view than you have
    time for. The more productive time you spend on your home
    business will start to become a habit (so will the extra
    money that you earn from it!), you will spend less time with
    the TV naturally, and find that you have more energy too!

    # 2 Recreation

    Here is another big time stealer. Everyone needs some
    recreation, but most of us think we need more than we really
    do. Consider that most folks work all week just for a few
    moments of fun on the weekend. Back when I was working a
    J.O.B. the factory was full of ones like this. They lived
    their lives for fun in the sun. Never planning for anything
    but more recreation. When the flag ship factory closed it's
    doors and laid most of us off, these same ones wanted to
    know how they would afford their boat payments, golf cart
    notes, vacation bills etc. Many had mortgaged themselves to
    the hilt with recreation bills.

    I was smiling because I knew we would get a nice severance
    package, and that I could now focus full time on my home biz
    that I always had worked on the side (I have toys too, and
    enjoy fun in the sun, but I pay cash for those things or I
    don't buy them - no credit for me on recreation - no sir!).
    I had turned down a few weekends of pleasure seeking over
    the years, but when the whip came down, I'm sure glad I did!
    I work harder for myself than I ever did for someone else,
    but I control when I work, and how much I want to make.
    Since I love what I do, it really is not like work. I still
    limit myself on recreation, but when we do play, we really
    play well!

    A profitable home business is something that you should want
    to do for the rest of your life. Recreation, and TV viewing
    have their place. We all need relaxation and recreation, but
    you might want to consider just how much time you spend
    recreating when you could be building a home biz that will
    give you something to do in your retirement years (not to
    mention help you get there faster).

    Many dream of the time when they will just lay around the
    pool and do nothing for the rest of their lives. Well, I'm
    here to tell you, that many wealthy or retired folks who get
    to do pretty much what they want will admit - it flat gets
    old doing nothing! Developing work ethic is one of the
    biggest obstacles for most folks who would like to work from
    home. Start Now, by putting limits on your recreation, and
    you will find all kinds of time for building your home biz!

    # 3 The Internet

    "Now Wait Just a Minute" you might be saying, "I'm building
    my business with the net". That might be true, but there are
    a LOT of things you can do online besides building your
    business. If you aren't careful, time can be focused away
    from your work and more toward pleasure seeking or just
    plain old surfing. Before you know it, you could spend hours
    in front of your PC without doing one thing to promote your
    business. A PC with an Internet connection can develop into
    your digital recreation tool. The very thing that is
    supposed to save time and make our lives easier could become
    our biggest life stealer! Again, you need to limit yourself.

    In any of these activities, it would be good to take note of
    how much time you spend with them. Try keeping a careful
    record for just one week and you may be surprised. Each hour
    take note of what you spend time doing, and make a log. You
    will quickly isolate where the time for building your home
    biz can come from. Learning to use your time wisely will
    prove beneficial for years to come.

    About the Author

    Doug West is the editor of Opportunity Investigator. He has
    been interviewed in many of the top home biz publications
    like SFI magazine - (see ).
    His affiliate program provides members all the tools you
    need to succeed online.==>



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