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  • Viral Marketing

    Author: je Dunn
    What does viral marketing mean. To market a product in such a
    way that it may continue to bring in sales into the future.

    The best example of this is affiliate links in an ebook or
    newsletter. When a newsletter goes out to a marketers opt in
    mailing list or he gives away a free report or a free ebook
    inevitably somewhere in the content is an affiliate link or a
    link to another one of the writer’s products.

    Is this sneaky? Shouldn’t they tell you up front that they are
    trying to sell you something? If these thoughts popped into your
    mind wake up! Who was the one that downloaded the free ebook or
    signed up for that free report or newsletter from an Internet
    marketer? Just because something is free does not mean it
    doesn’t have merit and real value.

    The author of the freebie is giving away his hard earned
    knowledge. Most of the time the reader is getting very
    worthwhile information. This is because if the writer doesn’t
    establish himself as an expert on the subject how could he
    expect you to want to read more of his / her work?

    Furthermore it is in the author’s best interest to recommend a
    quality product, because he wants to establish credibility with
    the reader. I have learned more from some free products than I
    have from some ebooks I paid for. I recommend taking advantage
    of free material. You can learn from it and you can also
    evaluate the author’s communicating skills. If his free stuff is
    bad there isn’t any reason to pay to read his other books.

    The best products I have ever bought have been through a direct
    recommendation via an affiliate link by a quality Internet
    marketer. By reading his free information I had a basis to make
    a judgment call on his expertise and credibility.

    Affiliate links can be beneficial to both the author and the
    reader. Remember you can always tell a tree by its fruit. A
    quality author will always provide useable and fresh information.

    If you want quality traffic you need to attract the people who
    are interested in what you are selling. Provide a benefit that
    will give them a reason to stop at your site. Always make your
    first impression with quality FREE information that has real
    value. Do not think of a customer as your next mortgage payment
    but look to establish a long-term relationship of mutual benefit
    to the both of you. Your customers, you, and I will all profit
    more by working together and learning from each other.

    About the author: Jim Dunn publishes "The Home Business Tips"
    Newsletter. Its packed with Powerful Tools, Tips, and
    ProvenStep-By-Step Training, for building an automated highly
    profitable Work From Home Business Fast…
    Signup for your FREE subscription today at:

    About the Author

    Jim has been working from home online since 2001. He is a published author and specializes in success training, and teaching other home based entrepreneurs how to develop and profit from multi stream income sources on the Internet, through products and affiliate marketing.



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